Thursday, April 14, 2011


So currently can't get the following out of my mind:

  • The song FRIDAY by some whiny voiced tween...except I am replacing the word 'Friday' with 'Thursday'. 
  • said whiny annoying tween.
  • Taking a trip to Montreal (If you watch Bethany getting married you know why).  It's so magical looking there!
  • I can't wait to get off of work and go to Hobby Lobby, I have the BEST crafting idea ever! (Will be blogging about it sometime next week).  HINT: It involves styrofoam balls.
  • I'm also wondering what Robin is doing right now...I hope she isn't getting torn apart, and having all of her doo-dads, and thingy-ma-bobbers removed.  Robin is my old car by the way, I just traded her in for a newer car with more up to date doo-dads and thingy-ma-bobbers.  I kinda miss her.  She was my very first car, and has a lot of memories along with miles.

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