Friday, May 20, 2011

Blot #1

For those of my friends that read this, you remember this from my Myspace blog, but for those of you that aren't familiar BLOT stands for Brittany's List of Ten.

List of 10 things I BELIEVE:

1.    That LOVE should be like in BASEBALL where after 3 'ball' calls, an automatic '1st base' or 'walk' is given.  I feel like I've gotten 3 heartbreaking relationships, therefore I should automatically be given a good relationship. :)

2.    That my nephew is the beautifulest little boy I've ever seen (but I'm a little biased).

3.    That you should always finish the book you are reading no matter how dreadful it is. Especially if you paid hardback price for it.

4.    That this is the worst haircut I've ever seen...yet another winner from OKcupid. (I edited out the bottom of this picture where he was wearing offensive boxer shorts...yes you read that right.)

5.    That if I was happy, I wouldn't be fat.  The two seem to go hand and hand for me.

6.    When you spill a cup of urine on you at work*, that every day after that seems like an okay day...compared to the day that you spilled urine on you. (*actual occurrence, I'm a staffing specialist and have to do pre-employment drug screening)

7.    That the day I throw away his military picture that is a permanent fixture in my jewelry box, wallet, and night stand.....then I will be healed, and be able to move on.  But I can't bring myself to do this.

8.    That I have the worst taste in movies, and music.  It's grotesque.

9.    That I am very whiny and this gets on peoples nerves.

10.   That my family is the most wonderful family, that my best friend is the bestest best friend, and that my animals are the cutest.

1 comment:

  1. I love you are awesome. I love the way you can put your feelings into words!! I wish I had a small portiion of your talents.
