Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Today on Groupon they listed a massage/pedi/mani deal for 50% off!! I was ofcourse intrigued and so I clicked on this spa's website.  They have a picture slideshow set up on the side bar that shows each of the spa's workers.  I would not let a single one of them touch me naked....especially this one worker named Tony.  He is about 60 and looks like a major skeev.  I then click on the Services tab.  In the drop down I see "breast massage" I click....look who does the breast massages...ewwww.

1) Who would be comfortable getting a breast massage.
2) Why don't they have women do these...that would be a little less awkward.
and 3 is really more of a statement, then a question...
3) I believe he should be paying me $60 to massage my breasts.

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